Goals and Objectives:
PGY 5 Neurosurgery
Research project expectations:
- Pursue research project at NIH, GWU or CHNMC
- Publish findings of project
- Present findings at Neurosurgery grand rounds
Surgical expectations:
- Cover call at GW for clinical service and for residents who are away on vacation
- Operative log maintenance
Clinical expectations:
- Participation in lab surgical approach course
- Attend all conferences except while on vacation
- Attend Journal Club
- Participation at “All City Grand Rounds”
- Present 1 grand rounds talk/year
- Lecture and assist in the evaluation of Medical Students
- The written part I ABNS exam must be passed for credit
- Exhibit results on quality project
- Research paper, book chapter, or presentation
- The resident will demonstrate a knowledge of the study designs and the statistical methods that are necessary to evaluate the literature.
- Simulated patient workshop